. It's a space for my diary and my favorite story "Mimi o sumaseba" (aka: Whisper of the Heart)
. The space for the movie is a fan space, no intention of intriguing any copyrights

MARCH 2003 WEEK 1 - 2

 March 11, 2003 | Tuesday 

ICE RAIN!! WOW!! \(^^)/ I've never seen an ice rain before - I thought it was just a rumor - but it did happened at 1:00 pm today. Only last for a couple of minutes, but it was scary. The sound at the roof was hard and the wind was strong. It was ice within the water. REAL ICE - hard and cold! An ice which was falling from the sky - it was the first time I ever experienced. [*BTW, buat yang udah pernah tau hujan es, sorry nih agak heboh. Habisnya ini kan pertama kali gue megang es yang jatuh dari langit! ^_^*]

I wonder how snow looks like, how cold it would be?

BGM: 01. Tomorrow (? Digimon Tamers ed) 02. DOKI (FOV) 03. Standing on the Hill (DAI) 04. Kimi no koe ga kikitakute (FOV) 05. Owaranai koi ~hitotsu ni nareru~ (FOV) 06. Meguru kisetsu o koete (FOV) 07. Kiseki no Hana (FOV)
[*Udah baikan nih sama FOV? Belom! Tapi gara2 DOKI, jadi keterusan ^^;*] Um... why suddenly I want to make a cup of coffee?


 March 10, 2003 | Monday 

Intermezzo goes here >>

BGM: 01. a song of Spitz played by Mr. Radio - never heard before. Haruka? 02. All tracks in The Best of White Lion 03. Heaven (Bryan Adams) 04. We Could Be Together (Debbie Gibson)
Hm... I feel it's been so long I don't listen to FOV songs. It takes a courage to put a song to the list. (^^;) By the way, their DVD had a good place at a video chart. It's actually last month news, though. [*Agak trauma, sih. Gara-gara suatu kejadian. Ibaratnya, gue sekarang marahan lagi sama FOV. Dan seperti beberapa waktu lalu, perlu trigger supaya bisa baikan lagi.*]


 March 9, 2003 | Sunday 

My father came to see me. He just went back home. He brought an USB disk drive - he needed it for his and my mother's data in my compie. I'm such an idiot so that it was the first time I saw that kind of tiny thing with a capacity of 64 MB! (later then I found out that there're disks with even higher capacity) ACH!! I knew that there's a disk with high capacity, but it was the first time I saw it with my own eyes. So very plug and play, so very high capacity, so very high speed on reading and writing, and... so very CUTE!! UGH!! I'm so left behind, aren't I?

BGM: none.


 March 7, 2003 | Friday 

Today's topic is still [*NGANTUUK...!!*] (^^;) But when I'm overloaded with things to do, even when I'm done, I can't just sleep no matter how sleepy I am. And now I'm writing this entry.

BGM: All tracks in Clicked Single Best 13 (L'Arc~en~Ciel) Oh, no... flower is now playing!!


 March 6, 2003 | Thursday 

I'm sleepy. But I must not sleep. There's so much I need to do. Fuh! 
[*tokoro de, gue tadi... eh, kemaren sore, ketemu orang yang miriiiip banget sama Yasunori Mitsuda. Ha ha ha... Iya, lho, ngga boong! Udah lama, lho, gue ngga gitu perhatian ama cowok. Di kepala ini cuma ada web, web, dan web. Eh, pas liat dia gue peering look gitu. Kyaa--- biasa, pelarian, saking pengennya ketemu Mitsuda-san! ^^;*]

BGM: Scarlet (Spitz)
Again? Yes, 'cause now I have the song in my compie! ^___^ A song that gave me a little flame. I have no idea how many times it's been playing. Hundreds of time? Yeah, you know my habit! Still, I'm not yet used to with Spitz' lyrics. I'm very comfort with FOV' lyrics - guess I need more time to get used to with other's.

[*Misalnya aja, gue udah biasa sama kata boku, sementara Spitz suka pake ore. Sama aja, sih, sebenernya. Cuma risih aja, apalagi kalo di-translate... jadi gue. (Buat telinga gue, boku lebih halus daripada ore dan lebih seperti kata aku daripada gue.) Dipikir-pikir, kok ngga romantis amat, ya? (^^;) Ya, kalo untuk lagu biasanya kan kita pake kata2 yg lebih halus daripada di percakapan sehari2. Beberapa kalimat juga agak baru di telinga gue. Padahal ngga begitu ngerti, tapi terasa beda banget lho, pas nyanyiinnya. Tapi belum gue denger dan baca semua lagunya Spitz, ding.*]

3:21 am, but I have promised that I'll keep this little scarlet flame! (Nani kono ko??) Ach---!! [*NGANTUK, BO'!!! Sori kalo rada ngigo.*]


 March 3, 2003 | Monday 

Thank you for giving me a flash of spirit, dear Spitz.

BGM: Scarlet (Spitz)
Thank you, Mr. Radio - Wei! I love this song! [*Aduh! Sekarang masuk ke Garuda FM susaaah banget!! Jadi ngga bisa request! Tapi untung lagu yg lagi pengen gue dengerin diputerin*] Don't you think the vocalist has a cute voice? (^^)

Spitz is an old band. Originally formed in 1987, Spitz are Kusano Masamune (vo), Miwa Tetsuya (guitar), Tamura Akihiro (bass), and Tatsuo Akiyama (drums). One of the unique of the band is the vocalist. He has a pretty high vocal for a man (that's why I can sing a long with their song?). Let's see... um... [*gue baca dulu, ya, kebetan gue di majalah...*] it is said 2 up to 3 octave higher than the usual men' vocal? They're still exist, though it's more than 10 years old  - ever since their first single in 1991. [*dan album terbaru mereka Mikazuki Rock dirilis di sini, lho! Cuma gue belom punya. Ntar deh kalo gue ke Jakarta, gue cari. Heran, kenapa gue cuma bisa tertarik sama band2 tua? Kalo sampe ada band baru yg bisa bikin gue tertarik, HEBAT, deh!*]

Hm... it is written in the magazine I read... *laugh* I don't know whether it is true or not, they're all at the same age and (more and less) the same height and weight!


 March 1, 2003 | Saturday 

I just read another Ghibli animation movie script Hotaru no Haka.

As for me, movies about war are so many. But Hotaru no Haka script touched me. Not that I'm so sensitive to such a thing like war - sorry, don't mean it to be mean. But I think it's more likely because of the brother and sister story. I can bear any story but a story about brother and sister. [*Gue PASTI bakal nangis!*] I don't know why...

I miss my brothers...

BGM: 01. Scarlet (Spitz) 02. June Mermaid (Xenogears theme)
For Hotaru no Haka script, you may go to this place, under Ghibli Animation.

: : M y  S p a c e s : :
:: SOCCER Field
:: Dining Room
:: Atelier House
» D i a r y
Mimi o sumaseba
I n t e r m e z z o
___ A R C H I V E S ___
  - 2 0 0 3 -  
J u n e
M a y
A p r i l
M a r c h [week 3-4]
M a r c h [week 1-2]
F e b r u a r y [week 3-4]
F e b r u a r y [week 1-2]
J a n u a r y
= l a t e s t  e n t r y =

2 0 0 3