. It's a space for my diary and my favorite story "Mimi o sumaseba" (aka: Whisper of the Heart)
. The space for the movie is a fan space, no intention of intriguing any copyrights

FEBRUARY 2003 WEEK 3 - 4

 February 28, 2003 | Friday 

I got my TOEFL score today. 540. Hm... actually I was kinda hoping it would be at least 550... But well, at least my first score is higher than my brother's! *sweatdrops* Funny is, I got my highest score on Listening Comprehension! So listening to the VOA news did worked! (Though the news itself was always about the same topic) No movies these 2 months, only radio news, so it's kinda strange for me. But... I think Structure and Written Expression gives the highest contribution to the total score. So next time, to get higher score I should boost my skill at this section - with an assumption I don't loosen at the other sections. [*TOEFL test emang beda banget, ya, sama test2 di tempat2 les bhs Inggris. BEDA BANGET! Biarpun sama2 terdiri dari 3 section yang serupa, tapi tingkat kesulitannya... wah... ni die ni, baru namanya TEST BHS INGGRIS!*]

BGM special 03 - Heart-throbbing Night (10:00 pm ~ 00:30 am):
01. Somewhere Somehow (Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith). WOW! Thank you Mr. Radio! No doubt, my favorite part is, "Somewhere far beyond today I will find the way to find you" It's such an evergreen love song!
02. Creep (Radiohead). "I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul. I wish I was special, so very special. But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo" Remember that it used to be a must song, together with White Lion's "You're All I Need"?
03. 25 minutes too late (Michael Learns To Rock). I have no word 'bout this song but "chuchiaaaan deh lo!"
04. Baby, Don't You Break My Heart Slow (? Ally McBeal theme). It hurts! Hiks!
05. True Love (Fujii Fumiya). I still remember every moment when it's booming!! Hiks!
06. Can't Cry Hard Enough (The William Brothers). "Now that you're gone, I can't cry hard hard enough, for you to hear me now"
07. Lagu Cinta (DEWA). "Mungkinkah kamu sedang menatap bulan, bulan sabit yang sedang kupandangi?"
08. Eternal Love (PJ and Dunkan).
09. I'll Be Loving You (New Kids On The Block). Hohoho. *grin*
[10. Only one song that can end this thrilling list perfectly; The Time Alone With You from Bad English. But... I'm too sleepy to wait for it.]
List performed by All FM Radio Station in Bandung. [*Gue dengerinnya pindah2, gitu, lho! Gue emang bukan tipe yg setia ama radio, sih! ^__^*]


 February 27, 2003 | Thursday 

I just read a magazine, the main theme of its articles was "Lara vs Yuna". To be honest, I'm also the one who feel sorry [*bahasa laennya; turut berduka cita*] for Yuna's changes. Though she wears a beautiful cloth, everybody who sees her will remember Lara Croft! POOR YUNA!! [*Chuchiaaan deh lo, Yuna!*] She - who'd successfully replaced Rinoa - now has to be the mirror of Lara, just in order to be sexy?? One more time: POOR YUNA!!

BUT! Well, don't be so cynical! Though it's clear that the three musketeers (or Charlie's Angels? - Yuna, Rikku, Paine) have been commercially abused - they're just commercial images anyway - but... still, Final Fantasy is a guarantee for a good RPG. Wanna know my idea? THERE SHOULD BE AN FF WITH 3 COOL BOYS TOO!! But please, PLEASE, NO EARRING! Why the heaven FF boys had to wear earrings? NOT COOL AT ALL!! Thank God there's Seifer!

Hm... I wonder why I've become a little too critical and cynical these days? Critical is fine, but cynical is annoying. I remember a song from Radiohead Iron Lung, it says more or less "we're, too young to fall asleep, too cynical to speak". Maybe it's natural?

But still, I like Rikku's shoes and Yuna's cloth! *grin* I like the pink in Yuna's cloth. I'm not a pink lover, but it's a nice pink.

BGM: 01. Love is gone (ZARD) 02. SEPIA (FIELD OF VIEW) 03. ? (forgot the title; Love Generation theme) 04. Vanishing Love (X-Japan) 05. Perfect Blue (L'Arc~en~Ciel) 06. Lion Heart (SMAP) 07. Evergreen (Hyde)
List performed by Wei - Garuda FM: Japan Night. [*Wei, curang tuh! Ngga boleh tuh, udah Laruku, terus Hyde! DAME DA YO, WEI!! Kalo gitu, besok2, puterin juga Luna Sea, terus Ryuichi Kawamura!*]

Extra: Melodies of Life (Emiko Shiratori, FF IX theme). I cried when this song's playing in the ending scene of FF IX. Though I never like Garnet and that kinda "save the rich and annoying girl" story, but this was a sweet scene. My favorite phrase is "and who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?" I definitely agree! If it's never been told, who would notice? Or in marketing words: if it's never been advertised, who would buy?

It's now 8:13 pm.


 February 26, 2003 | Wednesday 

[*Baru aja gue nguji nyali - dari kemaren sih. Everything new had been through. Berarti, yang berikut-berikutnya gue bisa lebih nyante dan tenang. Fuh! Tapi gue musti switch mode lagi, nih.

BTW, tau ngga sih kenapa gue naruh papan kecil di sebelah kanan yg judulnya "MY NOTE" itu? Kesannya ngga ramah banget, ya? I'VE TRIED TO MAKE IT AS POLITE AS POSSIBLE!! Soalnya, sebagai fans gue juga ngga mau diremehin dan direndahin - oleh siapapun dan dari negara manapun dia. MAAF AZZA YA! Sementara gue meskipun sedikit ilegal naruh beberapa kutipan dan lirik lagu, tapi kan gue ngga ngobyekin itu semua, alias ngga dapet duit dari itu, dan ngga ngasih kesempatan orang lain utk dapet duit dgn cara ilegal. Malahan gue berusaha ngepromosiin EVERY NAME EVERY WORK I MENTION IN THIS DIARY! Jadi, yah, maaf aja, kalo cuma sindir-sindiran, I WON'T PROCEED! Kalo emang ngerasa gimana2, TALK TO ME DIRECTLY, lah. Gengsian amat, sih?!! 

Oops, gomen ne, I've become a little too emotional. Maybe I'm just tired and suddenly remember this annoying thing.

Padahal gue udah nahan2 beberapa hari, dan berhasil bikin kalimat sopan seperti di "MY NOTE" itu. Tapi kadang kalo inget, kesel juga, sih.*]

BGM: none. I'm not in a good mood to listen to any song.

Now playing: 01. Sailing to the World (Yasunori Mitsuda). Need a minute to prepare myself for a song. It's been chosen and will be playing over and over till... 02. Mezameta asa wa... (ZARD)

It's now 8:00 pm.


 February 25, 2003 | Tuesday 

I just read an article about blue and white in Japan culture. Finished reading, I kinda got the picture why the Japan national football team' costume is blue and white!! As far as I know, the color of national  team' costume is usually taken from the color of the national flag. "How come it's blue?" I thought so when I saw Hidetoshi Nakata-tachi playing on the FIFA World Cup 2002. Well, maybe I should ask to someone who knows it better, though.

BGM: Hikari (Hikaru Utada), I WANNA PLAY!! Why there's no interesting RPG game for PC?? UGH!
(Should I make one? ^_^ But I do have an RPG maker here in my sweetie compie. I d/l it (ups, the writer perform illegal operation ^^) when there was an amateur game development contest. Well, though I had developed the story, the characters, the new thing that'd been chosen as the strong point... but... it was never finished. Ah, maybe it was just not the time. 'Sides, I have to boost my skill in drawing and picture editing... it's just so far under average. Sigh.)


 February 23, 2003 | Sunday 

[*GUE BETE!! Gue ngga nonton konser DEWA!! Sebeeel...!! Uh! Tau ngga sih, gue seumur2 nonton yg namanya live show itu cuma sekali! S.A.T.U.K.A.L.I! BETE! Kuper bgt ngga sih gue? Padahal dari yg sekali itu, gue tau kalo yg namanya nonton live show itu asyik banget - apalagi kalo band-nya yg kita senengin dan lagu2nya banyak yg kita tau!

I renewed my diary's layout. Still using screen shots from "Mimi o sumaseba". By the time I pass this February and March smoothly, I'LL WATCH ALL GHIBLI' ANIMATION MOVIES!! Please note "smoothly". If something happen to me these 3 weeks ahead, and if I can't get through it, I'll disappear for awhile.
[*Waah... ngantuuuk!! Mudah2an layout yang ini bertahan agak lama. Oiya, kemaren ada penyiar yang cerita kalo doi paling susah yang namanya nulis - dia contohin nulis diary. Doi bilang kaya'nya di kepala banyak banget yg pengen ditulis tapi pas mo ditulis udah keburu lupa. Gue tau tuh yg kaya' gitu, soalnya gue dulu juga gitu. Kaya'nya kecepatan tangan tuh ngga bisa nandingin kecepatan otak, makanya bete deh kalo nulis diary di buku. GUE SELALU GAGAL. Tapi sekarang ada blogger, dan gue ketagihan. Dengan ngetik, bisa jauh lebih cepet drpd nulis tangan - asal jangan ngetik 11 jari aja!! Semua yang ada di kepala gue, bisa dgn cepet tertulis. 'Menulis' itu asyiiik...!!*]

BGM: lotsa - from the radio!! One of them was Eternal Love (PJ and Dunkan) I like "You're Perfect" better, though. It's such a mysterious tune, have a listen! But it's an old song... maybe kinda hard to find. [*Windiii...!! Gue inget lo punya kasetnya PJ and Dunkan deh. Masih ada ngga?*]


 February 21, 2003 | Friday 

My second demo! This time, I didn't have to bring my CPU!! (*grin*) 'Cause I've changed it all so that it didn't need a shockwave player, it can be played in any PC. Now, I'm sleepy!! This whole week was full with observation in the net (see, that's why I've written so much this week!). If only my eyes could have said something, they might have said, "Why don't you rest awhile from the monitor?!" But there's no time! So I just told them, "Please, hang on, will you?"

I watched "Mimi o sumaseba" once again. Still nice to watch!! Speaking about movie... when I was a little, the TV broadcasted children movies starred by Shirley Temple and the legendary movie "Oliver Twist". I'm so glad I experienced such moments (bet it's difficult to find those movies by now). Remember "tomorrow, tomorrow I love you tomorrow you're always a day away"? (^^) There are not many movies about childhood as good as those by now, I personally think. I wonder why old movies are hardly replaced by new ones? Maybe because of the memories within. By 10 years from now, the present movies will seemed be better than the movies in that time cause they've already fulfilled with memories... do you think it the same? (10 years from now... I wonder what kind of person will I turn to be? With what kind of memories?)

BGM: 01. Honey 02. Anemone 03. Pieces 04. Town Theme
01 - 03. L'Arc~en~Ciel
04. Harvest Moon Back To Nature theme.
Nice track? You should try it - exactly like that! (^^) "Anemone" is a special song for me, I love to sing along with it. To sing along with men' vocal is kinda difficult, but Hyde' is an exception, especially in this song. "Pieces"? COOL INTERLUDE!!
BTW, there are 2 songs of Laruku I love at most; "flower" and "winter fall". Whenever my random play-mode comes to one of these, I'll delete all songs listed except this. Good it didn't happen, huh? Otherwise, the BGM track list above would be: 01. flower/winter fall 02. flower/winter fall 03. flower/winter fall 04. flower/winter fall 0X. flower/winter fall (^^;)


 February 18, 2003 | Tuesday 

BGM: 01. Glass (Ryuichi Kawamura) 02. Town Theme (HM BTN theme) 03. Opening (HM BTN theme) 04. Marble Stage (STH theme) 05. Singing of The Gentle Wind (Xenogears theme)
Extra: Missing (Gackt)
HM BTN = Harvest Moon Back To Nature (Natsume, PlayStation)
STH = Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega, Sega Genesis)

Ah, too bad I could only get 2 HM theme!! I was hoping that I could get at least 6 (2 + 4 season theme)! But 2 are heart-throbbing enough! And I got Marble Stage theme too!! Oh, how I miss my younger years...!! (^^;) I wanna play! I wanna play!! I want a PS2!! \(^o^)/
[*Kalo diliat-liat spec-nya sih, Xbox lebih keren daripada PS2, apalagi dalam hal grafik (sambil ngebayangin seandainya Xenogears dirilis ulang buat Xbox... AWW!! Bisa beku diriku ini mandangin si BART!!). Tapi game RPG-nya dikit banget, sih (ato ngga ada??) Pokoknya obsesi tahun ini mo beli PS2!!*]

Oh, BTW, the extra track was played by Mr. Radio.
[*Wei, puterin "Nanka Shiawase" di ANIME NIGHT, dooong...!! Aku kangeeen banget sama tu lagu! Oiya, hari Minggu kemaren liriknya "Missing" dibacain, lho. Trus tadi pas gue coba nyanyiin... wah ini lidah sampe kepelintir! Tau sendiri, kan, reffrain-nya!
Satu lagi, siapa yang pernah liat CD-nya Ryuichi Kawamura "Ningen Shikkaku"? Yg di Jakarta dan suka ke WOM, pernah liat, ngga? Katanya udah dirilis sama Universal, tapi kucari di seantero kota Bandung ngga nemu!! Please!!*]


 February 17, 2003 | Monday night 

BGM special 02 - Xenogears (Square, PS) theme:
01. Knight of Fire 02. My Village is Number One 03. Invasion 04. June Mermaid 05. Bonds of Sea and Fire 06. Singing of the Gentle Wind 07. The treasure which cannot be stolen
Extra: Sailing to the World, demo version - a thrilling 36 seconds.

Special Xenogears or special Yasunori Mitsuda again? (^^) My favorite? Among all of the Xenogears theme, those 7 are my favorite. But most of all, of course "Knight of Fire"!!! Theme for battle with bosses! 'Cause to me, Xenogears theme is this! [*Liat deh judul track 02; jayuz banget ngga sih tu judul. Tapi KEREN, bowz! Agak2 inget Harvest Moon, sih.*]

I MISS BART SO MUCH!! And also his WILD SMILE (status attack; def down). Probably, a wild smile is like Totoro's smile; ^_____^? [*Ndy, aku pinjem senyum Totoro-mu, ya*] Well, this kind of smile surely will make your defense down!!


 February 17, 2003 | Monday 

Feb 16, Sunday night BGM: Rainy day FIELD OF VIEW. Raining all day long. And I caught a cold. "Rainy day" - definitely one of my favorite. 'Cause it brought a sweet imagination. (^^)
I imagined a cafe; it mainly served coffee (the coffee should be PERFECT - smelled and tasted perfect), it should be located right beside the walking section of the street - no parking lot (I HATE to see parking lot from the window), and it performed a live band. It was raining outside, people with/without umbrella were walking fast to warm their body, a cup of hot coffee was on my table (perhaps the partner was a brownies), and the live band was performing "Rainy day" (plus "Wake up!" or "Yume mitsuzukete ima mo" would've been nice).
I'll search the whole world to find such a place. If I can't find it... I'll make one! (^^; - d.r.e.a.m.e.r !!)

: : M y  S p a c e s : :
:: SOCCER Field
:: Dining Room
:: Atelier House
» D i a r y
Mimi o sumaseba
I n t e r m e z z o
___ A R C H I V E S ___
  - 2 0 0 3 -  
J u n e
M a y
A p r i l
M a r c h [week 3-4]
M a r c h [week 1-2]
F e b r u a r y [week 3-4]
F e b r u a r y [week 1-2]
J a n u a r y
= l a t e s t  e n t r y =

2 0 0 3